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Metro Atlanta Couple launches a brand designed to inspire, connect, and encourage.

Metro Atlanta Couple launches a brand designed to inspire, connect, and encourage.

Who benefits from being encouraged?  Everyone.  It provides awareness, creates or solidifies belief, builds confidence, improves attitude, promotes action, makes one more determined, and provides hope. 

Just days away from fully serving their local community and the world, John and Nicole Daniels, along with their family, are excited to announce the grand opening of the leading authentic faith-based lifestyle brand, Kingdom Script.  The brand offers apparel, educational, and consulting services and is established to connect and encourage all to keep the faith. 

On Saturday, October 29th, Kingdom Script officially opened to the public, offering apparel and services that inspire.  Owners John and Nicole have been working diligently to put the final touches on meaningful efforts that will make a positive impact all throughout the world. 

The company mission is to increase conversation, provide confirmation, and ignite passion globally, wherever two or more are gathered.

Releasing over 7 bold designs, the brand is established to be unique.  “Not only are collections designed to increase the self-esteem, mental health, and a wholesome affiliation within the community,” Brand Owner Nicole Daniels emphasized, “we are also equally committed to providing inspiring content through wisdom to build faith.” 

According to the World Health Organization, over 350 million people throughout the world suffer from depression.  Despite being one of the most common causes of disability, according to a 2020 report by the Mental Health Foundation, lower rates of depression are associated with religion and spiritually.  Interestingly so, both religion and spirituality are proven to provide a sense of purpose and secured identification. 
We have an identity with the King of kings, and this is worth sharing with everyone with eyes to see and ears to hear.  

The harvest may be plenty and the laborers few, but this Metro Atlanta couple along with their family are ready to serve.  

The strength of the logo for Kingdom Script will go forth throughout the world as a messenger of power, wealth, royalty, elegance, luxury, success, generosity, and compassion. 

With 62% of Americans claiming to own ten or more t-shirts, Kingdom Script has now entered the marketplace to provide powerful choices.  “Those affiliated with the brand will be offered a unique experience to grow, gain spiritual wealth, network and feel connected to others with similar beliefs.”

“Unlike a typical brand, it is our desire for supporters to relate and recognize each other as family.”

When asked what is most exciting about the grand opening, Brand Owner John Daniels expressed, “It feels great to both own and wear a brand that stands for something good, one that represents what you believe in.”  Each shirt is designed for those wearing it to, “say something without saying anything."  Especially with studies showing the average shirt is read by over 8 people daily and over 3,000 times throughout its lifetime.  

The best part?  John and Nicole acknowledge, “those who are gracious to the poor and contribute to the needs of God’s people are blessed through the act of giving itself.”  In obedience, the brand will encourage the oppressed, defend the cause of the fatherless, and plead the case of the widow.  A portion of all profits and donations will be directed to this cause. 

Through the character, vision, and creativity of John and Nicole, Kingdom Script has built a foundation for an international, non-traditional, non-denominational community among those well known as the children of God. 

"We are asking for prayers because we don't take the responsibility to serve lightly.  As a “refueling station” for encouragement and faith, we seek to impact communities domestically within the states, and eventually internationally in South America, Africa, Europe, and beyond.”

Kingdom Script welcomes you.  Impact the world.  Join the mission.     

Connect.  Be Encouraged.  Be Blessed.

For more information visit www.kingdomscript.comfollow the journey on all social media platforms @kingdomscript, and please share with others.

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